Mattflaschen-WMF (mmeslayattekki)

Hello! I hope you and your wiki community enjoy using Flow.

Idrahduetdy (mmeslayattekki)

Hello! Oh yes, personnaly I do. Thanks a lot for this useful tool. I hope it would facilitate the discussions and help developing this wiki.

Darkoneko (mmeslayattekki)


Comme tu es passé sur Flow, mon script de bienvenutage ne fonctionne plus.

Je te recommande de demander l'installation de l'extension NewUserMessage sur ton wiki.

Idrahduetdy (mmeslayattekki)

Merci Darkoneko, je vais essayer de faire la demande le plutôt possible. Cordialement

Mattflaschen-WMF (mmeslayattekki)

Thank you. I will link here from phab:T145230. You can also subscribe to that.

Mattflaschen-WMF (mmeslayattekki)

The software required for this is not merged yet, but it will be soon.

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