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English: World's states coloured by systems of government:

Parliamentary systems: Head of government is elected by and is accountable to the legislature

Constitutional monarchy with a ceremonial monarch
Parliamentary republic with a ceremonial president

Presidential system: President is the head of government and is independent of the legislature

Presidential republic

Hybrid systems:

Semi-presidential republic: President is independent of the legislature; head of government is appointed by the president and is accountable to the legislature
Assembly-independent republic: President or directory is the head of government and is elected by the legislature, but is independent of and not accountable to it

Theocratic republic: Supreme Leader holds significant executive and legislative power
Semi-constitutional monarchy: Monarch holds significant executive or legislative power
Absolute monarchy: Monarch has constitutionally unlimited power
One-party state: Power is constitutionally linked to a single political party
Military junta: Committee of military leaders controls the government; constitutional provisions are suspended
Provisional government: No constitutionally defined basis to current regime
Dependent territories or places without governments
---- Note: this chart represent
de jure
systems of government, not the
de facto
degree of democracy.

Italiano: Stati del mondo colorati secondo la loro forma di governo:

Sistemi parlamentari: Il capo del governo è nominato/eletto ed è responsabile dinnanzi l’organo legislativo.

Monarchia costituzionale con un monarca per la maggior parte cerimoniale
Repubblica parlamentare con una presidenza per la maggior parte cerimoniale

Sistema presidenziale: Il Presidente è indipendente dall’organo legislativo, nonché capo del governo e capo di stato.

Repubblica presidenziale

Sistemi ibridi:

Repubblica semipresidenziale: Il Presidente è indipendente dall’organo legislativo; il capo del governo è nominato dal Presidente e responsabile dinnanzi all’organo legislativo
Repubblica direttoriale o mista: Il direttorio o il capo di stato è anche capo del governo ed è eletto dall’organo legislativo, ma è indipendente e non responsabile dinnanzi ad esso

Monarchia semi-costituzionale: Il monarca detiene ancora significativi poteri
Monarchia assoluta: Il monarca ha completo ed illimitato potere
Stato monopartitico: Il potere e l’apparato statale sono strettamente collegati ad un singolo partito ed alle sue dinamiche
Giunta militare: Un comitato di leader militari controlla il governo, generalmente in forma transitoria o durante la sospensione o abrogazione delle disposizioni costituzionali
Governo provvisorio: Non sono individuabili categorizzazioni e basi costituzionali per il regime vigente
Territori dipendenti e luoghi senza governi
---- Nota: questo prospetto rappresenta la forma di governo
de iure
di un paese, non il grado
de facto
della sua situazione politica.
Aɣbalu File:BlankMap-World.svg, Amahil udmawan
Ameskar Newfraferz87
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français (fr):
Républiques présidentielles, régime présidentiel
Républiques présidentielles, régime semi-présidentiel
Républiques à régime présidentiel liées à un régime parlementaire
Républiques parlementaires
Monarchies constitutionnelles parlementaires dans lesquelles le monarque n'exerce pas le pouvoir
Monarchies constitutionnelles dans lesquelles le monarque exerce le pouvoir, souvent avec un parlement disposant de faibles pouvoirs
Républiques dont la constitution n'accorde le droit à gouverner qu'à un parti unique
Systèmes que ne correspondent pas à tout ce qui précède.
Notez que plusieurs États dans lesquels le multipartisme est établi constitutionellement, sont décrits comme des États autoritaires et/ou dictatoriaux, par un nombre d'observateurs étrangers aux pays, autochtones opposés aux régimes en place dans ces pays. Cette carte n'a pour but que de représenter les formes de gouvernement
de jure
, et non le degré de démocratie qui y existe
de facto


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Creative Commons CC-Zero Ce fichier est dans le domaine public selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universel.
La personne qui a associé une œuvre avec cet acte l’a placée dans le domaine public en renonçant mondialement à tous ses droits sur cette œuvre en vertu des lois relatives au droit d’auteur, ainsi qu’à tous les droits juridiques connexes et voisins qu’elle possédait sur l’œuvre, sans autre limite que celles imposées par la loi. Vous pouvez copier, modifier, distribuer et utiliser cette œuvre, y compris à des fins commerciales, sans qu’il soit nécessaire d’en demander la permission.


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différents types de gouvernement

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gouvernement Tafransist

Chabiha Tafransist

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licence Tafransist

CC0 Tafransist

4 Fuṛaṛ 2021

type MIME Tafransist


Amazray n ufaylu

Senned ɣef yiwen azmez d usrag iwakken ad ẓṛeḍ afaylu aken yella deg imir nni.

(timaynutin | tiqdimin) Ẓer (10 imaynuten | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).
Lux a9 Duǧember 2024 à 00:29Tugna tamectuḥt i lqem n 9 Duǧember 2024 à 00:292 754 × 1 398 (1,05 MB/MO)GlowstoneUnknownSyrian Arabic Republic destroyed, changed tooltip
8 Duǧember 2024 à 06:10Tugna tamectuḥt i lqem n 8 Duǧember 2024 à 06:102 754 × 1 398 (1,05 MB/MO)Clyde H. MappingUpdated Syria
5 Duǧember 2024 à 22:00Tugna tamectuḥt i lqem n 5 Duǧember 2024 à 22:002 754 × 1 398 (1,05 MB/MO)GlowstoneUnknownundid Inkscape edits, undid Austria, Poland matches page now (all I ask of Poland is that it's consistent)
5 Duǧember 2024 à 16:29Tugna tamectuḥt i lqem n 5 Duǧember 2024 à 16:292 754 × 1 398 (1,1 MB/MO)ICommandethupdated austria and transnistria
5 Duǧember 2024 à 05:02Tugna tamectuḥt i lqem n 5 Duǧember 2024 à 05:022 754 × 1 398 (1,05 MB/MO)GlowstoneUnknownReverted Iran's colour for accessibility reasons (the palette was chosen to be colourblind-accessible, don't change it without consensus), restored Togo edit in CSS format
3 Duǧember 2024 à 10:10Tugna tamectuḥt i lqem n 3 Duǧember 2024 à 10:102 754 × 1 398 (1,1 MB/MO)ICommandethupdated to fix poland but also keep Togo and Iran changes
3 Duǧember 2024 à 04:47Tugna tamectuḥt i lqem n 3 Duǧember 2024 à 04:472 754 × 1 398 (1,1 MB/MO)GlowstoneUnknownReverted to version as of 16:32, 2 October 2024 (UTC) Poland à la country wiki talk page
24 Wamber 2024 à 18:11Tugna tamectuḥt i lqem n 24 Wamber 2024 à 18:112 754 × 1 398 (1,1 MB/MO)ICommandethupdated togo and made Iran more different than juntas
5 Tuber 2024 à 02:54Tugna tamectuḥt i lqem n 5 Tuber 2024 à 02:542 754 × 1 398 (1,05 MB/MO)ICommandethThey're dependent territories, not places without governments. It's an either or, not both
5 Tuber 2024 à 00:58Tugna tamectuḥt i lqem n 5 Tuber 2024 à 00:582 754 × 1 398 (1,05 MB/MO)GlowstoneUnknownReverted to version as of 07:34, 4 October 2024 (UTC), there was a discussion opened about Greenland, and only me and one other user took part. Faroe and Greenland both have devolved governments, so they aren't "places without government"
(timaynutin | tiqdimin) Ẓer (10 imaynuten | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).

Asebter agi teseqdac afaylu agi :

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